le player de génériques

Variety - (Captain Sensible)    twitter 

When I woke up this morning I was feelin' fine
But this cat starts banging man what a swine.
So I called reception but to no avail
That's why I'm telling you this sorry tale.
It went bang, I said shut up

It went bang, I said rap up.
Well I'm aware that the guy must do his work
But the piledriver man drove me berserk.
He said captain
I said wot

He said captain
I said wot

He said captain
I said wot

He said captain
I said wot d'ya want

Once a lifetime
twice a day
If you don't work you get no pay.

I been to the east
I been to the west

But the girls I like best are the ones undressed.

hello Adam
where you been?
I said a'stand aside 'cause I'm feelin' mean

I've had a gutful of you and I'm feelin' bad
'Cause you're an ugly old pirate and ain't I glad.
He said captain
I said wot
He said captain
I said wot

 - Wot

Variety - Infos
Date : 1994
Performer : Captain Sensible

form added by coucoucircus.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Les bulles ça vous éclate ? Et bien nous, on joue plutôt à les faire éclater ! Un vrai casse tête parfois ! De quoi parle t-on ? Et bien, de ...
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