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Variétés - This Time I Know It's For Real (Donna Summer)    twitter 

What would I have to do
To get you to notice me too
Do I
Stand in line
One of a million
Admiring eyes

Walk a tightrope way up high
Write your name across the sky

I'm going crazy just to let you know
You'd be amazed how much I love you so baby
When I get my hands on you I won't let go
This time I know it's for real

Should I write or call your home
Shout it out with a megaphone
Radio, TV news
Got to find a way
To get my message to you

To say I love you with a neon sign
Anything to make you mine

I'm going crazy just to let you know
If I wait too long for you I might explode baby
I've been around the block enough to know
That this time I know it's for real

Oh baby
This time, this time, this time, this time
Oh baby
This time, this time

Walk a tightrope way up high
Write your name across the sky

I'm going crazy just to let you know
You'd be amazed how much I love you so baby
When I get my hands on you I won't let go
This time I know it's for real

I'm going crazy just to let you know
If I waited too long for you I might explode baby
I've been around the block enough to know
That this time I know it's for real

 - This Time I Know It's For Real

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1989
Interprète : Donna Summer

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Un évènement tragique va me forcer à m'en rappeler d'autres, que je le veuille ou non. Mon histoire est terrible, mon histoire est vraie. Je l'ai déjà écrite, mais je vais encore vous la raconter. Pour mère! Pour père! Pour mes frères...
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