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Variétés - Endicott (Kid Creole and the Coconuts)    twitter 

Endicott's up by 5 o'clock
Endicott's givin' it all he got
Endicott's job is six to nine but
Endicott's home by nine O five

Endicott helps to cook the steak
Endicott helps to wash the plates
Endicott puts the kids to bed
Endicott reads a book to them

Why can't you be like Endicott?

Endicott loves Tribena so
Endicott puts her on a pedestal
Endicott's wish is her command but
Endicott don't make no demands

Endicott's always back in time
Endicott's not the cheatin' kind
Endicott's full of compliment
Endicott's such a gentleman

Why can't you be like Endicott?

'Cause I'm free
Free of any made-to-order liabilities
Thank God, I'm free
'Cause it's hard enough for me to take care of me, oh, oh

Endicott's carryin' a heavy load but
Endicott never really ever moans
Endicott's not a wealthy guy but
Endicott pays the bills on time

Endicott's got ideas and plans
Endicott's what you call a real man
Endicott always will provide 'cause
Endicott is the family type

Why can't you be like Endicott?

image: http://static.urx.io/units/web/urx-unit-loader.gif

'Cause I'm free
Freer than a pirate on a frigate out at sea
Thank God, I'm free
Driftin' all around just like a tumbleweed, oh, oh

Maybe I need someone, someone who isn't undone
Maybe an older woman will tolerate me
Maybe that certain someone older and wiser woman
Maybe the perfect someone to satisfy me

Endicott keeps his body clean
Endicott don't use nicotine
Endicott don't drink alcohol
Endicott use no drugs at all

Endicott don't eat any sweet
Endicott don't eat pig feet
Endicott's frame is mighty strong
Endicott make love hard and long

Why can't you be like Endicott?

Endicott loves Tribena so
Endicott walks her to the sto'
Endicott likes to hold her hand
Endicott's proud to be her man

Endicott stands for decency
Endicott means formality
Endicott's the epitome
Endicott stands for quality


Our love will be

 - Endicott

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 185
Interprète : Kid Creole and the Coconuts

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Mini-série réalisée en 1980, cette oeuvre télévisuelle est une adaptation d'un des plus grands recueils de science-fiction, signé Ray Bradbury en 1950. On peut notamment y voir Rock Hudson et Roddy McDowall. Il s'agit de... ?
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