le player de génériques

Variety - (Klaus Nomi)    twitter 

I... I'm just a simple man
I have to do the simple things
That a simple man... can

You... are holding out your hand
You want to know the simple things
In my simple plan... and

I know there's so much to share
So what else can I do

Yes I'm a simple man
Come now and take my hand
Now Together, Never to be lonely
Yes I'm a simple man
I do the best I can
Now Together, just remember only
I'm a simple man

Love... is just a simple thought
A little bit worse for wear
Like a thief who got... caught

Hope... is just a thing you bought
Another safe white lie that
Everybody got... taught

Yes I'm a simple man
Come now and take my hand
Now Together, Never to be lonely
Yes I'm a simple man
I do the best I can
Now Together, just remember only

I'm a simple man
Come and take my hand
I got a simple simple plan
I hope you understand
That I'm a simple man
I do the best I can
I got a simple simple plan
I think you understand

Yes I'm a simple man
Come now and take my hand
Now Together, Never to be lonely
Yes I'm a simple man
I do the best I can
Now Together, just remember only
It's so simple

 - Simple Man

Variety - Infos
Date : 1982
Performer : Klaus Nomi

form added by coucoucircus.
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