le player de génériques

Variety - (Terence Trent D'Arby)    twitter 

Kissing like a bandit stealing time underneath a sycamore tree.
Cupid by the hour sends Valentines to my sweet lover and me.
Slowly, but surely your appetite is more than I knew.
Sweetly, softly I'm falling in love with you.

Wish me love a wishing well to kiss and tell;
a wishing well of butterfly tears.
Wish me love a wishing well to kiss and tell.
A wishing well of crocodile tears sing.

Hugging like a monkey see, monkey do right beside a riverboat gambler.
Erotic images float through my head; I wanna be your midnight rambler.
Quickly, but quickly the blood races through my veins.
Quickly, loudly I wanna hear those sugar bells ring.

Wish me love a wishing well to kiss and tell;
a wishing well of butterfly tears.
Wish me love a wishing well to kiss and tell.
A wishing well of crocodile tears

Wish me love a wishing well to kiss and tell;
a wishing well of butterfly tears.
Wish me love a wishing well to kiss and tell.
A wishing well of crocodile tears

 - Wishing Well

Variety - Infos
Date : 1988
Performer : Terence Trent D'Arby

form added by coucoucircus.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Des montagnes, un vieux trappeur, un ours, un âne, un indien, un homme injustement accusé de meurtre ... voilà le cadre d'une série champêtre pleine de charme et de naturel mais quel est son nom ?
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