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Variétés - I Got You Babe (UB40 Featuring Chrissie Hynde)    twitter 

They say we're young and we don't know
Won't find out till we grow
Well I don't know why that's true
Cause you got me baby, I got you

Babe, I got you babe, I got you, babe.

They say our love won't pay the rent
Before it's earn'd our money's always spent
I guess that's so, we don't have a pot
But at least I'm sure of all the things we got

Babe, I got you babe, I got you, babe.

I got flowers in the spring
I got you, you wear my ring
And when I'm sad, you're a clown
And if I get scared you're always around
And then they say your hair's too long
But I don't care, with you I can't do wrong
Then put your warm little hand in mine
There ain't no hill or mountain we can't climb

Babe, I got you babe, I got you, babe.

I got you to hold my
I got you to understand
I got you to walk with me
I got you to talk with
I got you to kiss goodnight
I got you to hold me tight
I got you I won't let go
I got you who loves me so
I got you, babe

 - I Got You Babe

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1985
Interprète : UB40 Featuring Chrissie Hynde

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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