le player de génériques

Variety - (Amii Stewart)    twitter 

I don't want to lose you, this good thing
that I got 'cause if I do
I will surely,
surely lose a lot.
'Cause your love is better
than any love I know.

It's like thunder and lightning,
the way you love me is frightening.
You better knock, knock on wood, baby.

I'm not superstitious about ya
but I can't take no chance.
I got me spinnin', baby,
you know I'm in a trance.
'Cause your love is better
than any love I know.

It's like thunder and lightning,
the way you love me is frightening.
You better knock, knock on wood, baby.

It's no secret about it,
that woman is my loving cup
'cause she sees to it
that I get enough.
Just one touch from here,
you know it means so much.

It's like thunder and lightning,
the way you love me is frightening.
You better knock, knock on wood, baby.

You better knock, knock, knock on wood

 - Knock on Wood

Variety - Infos
Date : 1979
Performer : Amii Stewart

form added by coucoucircus.
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