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Variety - (Bruce Hornsby & the Range)    twitter 

Standing in line marking time--
Waiting for the welfare dime
'Cause they can't buy a job
The man in the silk suit hurries by
As he catches the poor old ladies' eyes
Just for fun he says "Get a job"

That's just the way it is
Some things will never change
That's just the way it is
But don't you believe them

They say hey little boy you can't go
Where the others go
'Cause you don't look like they do
Said hey old man how can you stand
To think that way
Did you really think about it
Before you made the rules
He said, Son

That's just the way it is
Some things will never change
That's just the way it is
But don't you believe them

Well they passed a law in '64
To give those who ain't got a little more
But it only goes so far
There's a the law that don't change another's mind
When all it sees at the hiring time
Is the line on the color bar

That's just the way it is
Some things will never change
That's just the way it is
But don't you believe them

 - The Way It Is

Variety - Infos
Date : 1986
Movie : Pretty Woman
Performer : Bruce Hornsby & the Range

form added by coucoucircus.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Mes amis Jill et Chris doivent m'aider à rentrer dans mon pays afin que je puisse protéger ma tribu d'une terrible sécheresse... Je suis ?
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