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Variétés - Music and light (Imagination)    twitter 

Music and lights - music and lights
Forget your sorrow
let it all fade away
Forget tomorrow
let's start living for today
Let me take you through a night of ecstasy
I like to hear the sound of a mystic melody
In the spotlight with the music playing loud

No distraction together we have found
Let me show you all the glamour and the gold
Secret fantasies in a show biz world
Music and lights - I'll sing and dance for you all night

Sequins and pearls and lots of pretty girls

You got to have rhythm
When ever you're dancing and you glide across the floor

Your heart is singing and they're calling out for more

Let me take you through a night of ecstasy

I like to hear the sound of a mystic melody
Music and lights - I'll sing and dance for you all night

Music and lights - I'll sing and dance for you all night

Sequins and pearls and lots of pretty girls
Give me rhythm
Forget your sorrow
let it all fade away
Forget tomorrow
let's start living for today

Let me show you all the glamour and the gold

Secret fantasies in a show biz world
Music and lights - I'll sing and dance for you all night

Music and lights - I'll sing and dance for you all 'ght

Sequins and pearls and lots of pretty girls
Give me rhythm - Give me -
Music and lights - I'll sing and dance for you all night

 - Music and light

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1982
Origine : Angleterre
Interprète : Imagination
Compositeur : Steve Jolley, Tony Swain, Ashley Ingram, Leee John

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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