le player de génériques

Variety - (Eurythmics)    twitter 

It's alright - baby's coming back
And I don't really care where he's been.
It's alright - baby's coming back
And I won't turn him around this time.

I'll be your cliff (you can fall down from me).
I'll be your ledge (you can lean upon me).
I'll be your bridge, your flowering tree
You can still depend on me...
And I'll be (the ticking of your clock).
And I'll be (the numbers on your watch).
And I'll be (your hands to stop the time).
I'll even be your danger sign.

It's alright - baby's coming back
And I don't really care where he's been.
It's alright - baby's coming back
And I won't turn him around this time.

And I'll be (your grace your dignity).
And I'll be (your night your destiny).
And I'll be (your comfort and your ease).
I will be your storm at seas...
And I'll be (your sharp intake of breath).
And I'll be (your work I'll take no rest).
And when the world falls to decline
I'll be yours and you'll be mine.

It's alright - baby's coming back
And I don't really care where he's been.
It's alright - baby's coming back
And I won't turn him around this time.

(Make it easy on yourself tonight).

 - It's Alright (Baby's Coming Back)

Variety - Infos
Date : 1985
Performer : Eurythmics

form added by coucoucircus.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Chut ! Mais que se passe t-il dans la salle de jeu quand les enfants ferment la porte ? Chut !
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