le player de génériques

Variety - (Lloyd Cole)    twitter 

You wanna leave me baby be my guest
All I'm gonna do is cry
And then I'm gonna find there's someone else
And tear the stars out of the sky

Looking for something when there's nothing there to be found
Make it easy on yourself
Go out and find your body someone else
And tear the stars out of the sky

Baby, you're too well-read
Baby you're too well-spoken
And baby, you're too pristine
When I cry, do you feel anything?

Baby, you're too well-read

You wanna leave me baby be my guest
All I'm gonna do is cry
And then I'm gonna find there's someone else
And tear the stars out of the sky

Baby, you're too well-read
Baby, you're too well-spoken
And baby, you're far too clean
When I cry, do you feel anything?

Baby, you're too well-read
Baby, you're too well-read

You don't need me anymore
You don't need me anymore
They say storms are right for summertime
Well, baby I'm long gone

Whatcha gonna do
When you open your eyes?
It's a brand new day and baby
No blue skies

Baby, you're too well-read
Baby, you're too well-spoken
And baby, you're too pristine
When I cry, do you feel anything?

Baby, you're too well-read
Baby, you're too well-spoken
Baby, you're far too clean
When I cry, do you feel anything?

Baby, you're too well-read

 - No Blue Skies

Variety - Infos
Date : 1990
Performer : Lloyd Cole

form added by coucoucircus.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Je suis née en 1937 et je suis apparue pour la première fois dans "Pulp Magazine". Mes parents ont été tués dans un safari et c'est une sorcière africaine qui m'a élévée. Aujourd'hui, je communique avec les animaux. Je suis ?
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