le player de génériques

Variety - (The Pretenders)    twitter 

When I look up from my pillow
I dream you are there with me
Though you are far away
I know you'll always be near to me

I go to sleep, sleep
And imagine that you're there with me
I go to sleep, sleep
And imagine that you're there with me

I look around me
And feel you are ever so close to me
Each tear that flows from my eye
Brings back memories of you to me

I go to sleep, sleep
And imagine that you're there with me
I go to sleep, sleep
And imagine that you're there with me

I was wrong, I will cry
I will love you till the day I die
You were all, you alone and no one else
You were meant for me

When morning comes again
I have the loneliness you left me
Each day drags by
Until finally my time descends on me

I go to sleep, sleep
And imagine that you're there with me
I go to sleep, sleep
And imagine that you're there with me

 - I Go to Sleep

Variety - Infos
Date : 1981
Performer : The Pretenders

form added by coucoucircus.
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  Divorcé deux fois, et ayant 4 enfants à charge, j'habite dans une grande maison et je suis dessinateur publicitaire. Qui suis-je ?
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