le player de génériques

Variety - (Eric Serra)    twitter 

No regrets, no tears,
Only a strange feeling,
Sleeping without falling,
I'll try another World
Where the water is not blue anymore,
Another reality

Oh, my baby I love you,
My lady blue
I'm looking for something
That I'll never reach
I seek eternity

No more sun, no more wind
Only a strange feeling,
Leaving without moving
I'll try another World
And the sky slowly fades in my mind
Just like a memory
No more reasons, no fears
Only this strange feeling,
Giving without thinking

Oh, my baby I love you,
My lady blue
I'm looking for something
That I'll never reach
I seek eternity

Oh, my baby I love you,
My lady blue
I'm looking for something
That I'll never reach
I seek eternity

 - My lady blue

Variety - Infos
Date : 1988
Album : Le Grand Bleu
Movie : Le Grand Bleu
Origin : France
Performer : Eric Serra
Music composer : Eric Serra

form added by fulguropoings.
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