le player de génériques

Variety - (Karen Cheryl)    twitter 

Sing to me mama
Because I feel the morning blues
Sing to me mama
The sadness I just want to lose

Sing to me mama
Your voice is sweet like a dream
Sing to me mama
No one can sing the way you do

Oh yeah yeah mama
Sing a song, sing a song for me
You are the sunny side of all my life
A picture such a pretty smiling face
Oh yes mama

Sing to me mama
Because I feel the morning blues
Sing to me mama
The sadness I just want to lose

Sing to me mama
I feel the pain deep in my bones
Sing to me mama
I'll call it spring time morning blues

Oh yeah yeah mama
Sing a song, sing a song for me
You are the sunny side of all my life
A picture such a pretty smiling face
Oh yes mama

Oh yeah yeah mama
Sing a song, sing a song for me
Sing to me mama
Because I feel the morning blues
Sing to me mama
The sadness I just want to lose

Sing to me mama
Your voice is sweet just like a dream
Sing to me mama
No one can sing the way you do

 - Sing to me mama

Variety - Infos
Date : 1979
Origin : France
Performer : Karen Cheryl

form added by fulguropoings.
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