le player de génériques

Variety - (Les Rita Mitsouko & Sparks)    twitter 

[Catherine Ringer]
It was only a lover's game
now we're trapped in the world
of our dreams
All the same as the evening rain
All the same as the sound of the sea

[Catherine Ringer et Russell Mael]
I, I, I, I, I, I wouldn't worry 'bout it
We're feelin' clean
A little crowed as we're singing
in the shower tonight

[Russell Mael]
See the water and feel the steam
As it winding around you and me
Feeling dirty and feeling clean
in the center of our fantasy

[Catherine Ringer]
We could stay here a million years

[Russell Mael]
Never knowing the world and its games

[Catherine Ringer]
Red hot water dissolves the fear

[Russell Mael]
Red hot kisses drive us insame

[Catherine Ringer et Russell Mael]
I, I, I, I, I, I wouldn't worry 'bout it
We're feelin' clean
A little crowed as we're singing
in the shower tonight

We could stay here a million years
never knowing the world and its games
Here we are like a naked choir
in a church that's completely in flames

I, I, I, I, I, I wouldn't worry 'bout it
We're feelin' clean
A little crowed as we're singing
in the shower tonight

 - Singing in the shower

Variety - Infos
Date : 1988
Origin : France
Performer : Les Rita Mitsouko & Sparks

form added by fulguropoings.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

Question subsidiaire... ;)
  L'air est le même que celui chanté par deux petits elfes, gambadant en fleurs-culottes dans la grande forêt, et dans une série charmante. Laquelle ?
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