le player de génériques

Variétés - Friday On My Mind (Gary Moore)    twitter 

Monday morning feels so bad
Everybody seems to nag me
Come on Tuesday I feel better
Even my old man looks good
Wednesday just won't go
Thursday goes too slow
I've got Friday on my mind

Gonna have fun in the city
Be with my girl, she's so pretty
She looks fine tonight
She is outa' sight to me

Tonight, I'll paint it red
Tonight, I'll lose my head
Tonight, I've got to get tonight
Monday I have Friday on my mind

Do the five day drag once more
No one, nothing else that bugs me
Now I'm working for the rich man
But I'll change his tune one day

Tonight I'll get mad
Tomorrow I'll be glad
'Cause I've got Friday on my mind

Gonna have fun in the city
Be with my girl she's so pretty
She looks fine tonight
She is outa' sight to me

Tonight, I'll paint it red
Tonight, I'll lose my head
Tonight, I've got to get tonight
Monday I have Friday on my mind


Gonna have fun in the city
Be with my girl she's so pretty
Gonna have fun in the city
Gonna have some fun
Be with my girl she's so pretty
Gonna have some fun

Gonna have fun in the city
Gonna have some fun
Be with my girl she's so pretty
In the city tonight
Gonna have fun in the city

 - Friday On My Mind

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1987
Interprète : Gary Moore

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

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