le player de génériques

Variety - (Asia)    twitter 

I never meant to be so bad to you
One thing I said that I would never do
One look from you and I would fall from grace
And that would wipe this smile right from my face

Do you remember when we used to dance
And incidence arose from circumstance
One thing led to another, we were young
And we would scream together songs unsung

'Cause it was the heat of the moment
Telling me what your heart meant
The heat of the moment shone in your eyes

And now you find yourself in '82
The disco hot-spots hold no charm for you
You can't concern yourself with bigger things
You catch the pearl and ride the dragon's wings

'Cause it was the heat of the moment
Telling me what your heart meant
The heat of the moment shone in your eyes

And when your looks are gone and you're alone
How many nights you sit beside the phone?
What were the things you wanted for yourself?
Teenage ambitions you remember well

'Cause it was the heat of the moment
Telling me what your heart meant
The heat of the moment shone in your eyes

'Cause it was the heat of the moment
Telling me what your heart meant
The heat of the moment shone in your eyes

Heat of the moment
Heat of the moment
The heat of the moment shone in your eyes

Heat of the moment
Heat of the moment
The heat of the moment shone in your eyes

 - Heat of the Moment

Variety - Infos
Date : 1982
Performer : Asia

form added by coucoucircus.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Je déteste vraiment tout ce qui est propre ! Et je n'ai qu'une seule envie, voir disparaitre tous ces petits êtres sous-marin avec leur trompe sur la tête ! Qui suis-je ?
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