le player de génériques

Variety - (Den Harrow)    twitter 

Stockin' away all the details you want to know
Day after day, all your memories get to grow
Putting all that you've stolen
In a prison that you've locked forever
Taking the place of our imagination
But you won't erase my heart

There is no way you can understand what I feel
You never pray 'cause your soul isn't even real
You might know lots of things now
But you can never be a lover
Winning the race with your information
But you can't replace my soul

Future brain, you make me wonder
Is it sane to make a sample of my love?
Future brain, you're getting stronger
It's a shame you'll never know how to find love

Living today but tomorrow will be the same
I know I can say that you will never win this game
No matter how much you know now
You will never get to know us, never
Taking the place of an institution
But you can't replace my love

Future brain, you great computer
It's insane to program everybody's love
Future brain, your list is longer
But you're to blame 'cause you don't know how stupid you are

There is no way you can understand what I feel
You never pray 'cause your soul isn't even real
You might know lots of things now
But you can never be a lover
Winning the race with your information
But you can't replace my soul

Future brain, you make me wonder
Is it sane to make a sample of my love?
Future brain, you're getting stronger
It's a shame you'll never know how to find love

Future brain, you great computer
It's insane to program everybody's love
Future brain, your list is longer
But you're to blame 'cause you don't know how stupid you are

 - Future brain

Variety - Infos
Date : 1985
Album : Overpower
Origin : Italie
Performer : Den Harrow

form added by fulguropoings.
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