le player de génériques

Variety - (Taylor Dayne)    twitter 

I feel the night explode
When we're together
Emotion overload
In the heat of pleasure

Take me I'm yours into your arms
Never let me go
Tonight I really need to know

Tell it to my heart
Tell me I'm the only one
Is this really love or just a game
Tell it to my heart
I can feel my body rock
Every time you call my name

The passion's so complete
It's never ending
As long as I receive
This message you're sending

Body to body, soul to soul
Always feel you near
So say the words I long to hear

Tell it to my heart
Tell me I'm the only one
Is this really love or just a game
Tell it to my heart
I can feel my body rock
Every time you call my name

Love...love on the run
Breaking us down
Though we keep holding on
I don't want to lose
No...I can't let you go...

Tell it to my heart
Tell me I'm the only one
Is this really love or just a game
Tell it to my heart
I can feel my body rock
Every time you call my name

Tell it to my heart
Tell me from the stars
Tell it to my heart
Tell it to my heart
Tell me from the stars
Tell it to my heart

Never make it stop
Oh take it to the heart
Oh no no ah ah

Tell it to my heart
Tell me I'm the only one
Is this really love or just a game
Tell it to my heart
I can feel my body rock
Every time you call my name

 - Tell It To My Heart

Variety - Infos
Date : 1988
Performer : Taylor Dayne

form added by coucoucircus.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Comme je suis serviable et gentil, je vais vous aider à me trouver. J'ai été offert à un petit garçon, par un papa fort et courageux. Pour me nourrir, rien de plus simple, une simple poignée de c.... fera l'affaire! Je suis ?
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