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Variétés - Song For Whoever (The Beautiful South)    twitter 

I love you from the bottom of my pencil case
I love you in the songs I write and sing
Love you because you put me in my rightful place
And I love the PRS cheques that you bring

Cheap, never cheap
I'll sing you songs till you're asleep
When you've gone upstairs I'll creep
And write it all down
Down, down, down...

Oh Shirley, oh Deborah, oh Julie, oh Jane
I wrote so many songs about you
I forget your name (I forget your name)
Jennifer, Alison, Phillipa, Sue,
Deborah, Annabel, too (I forget your name)
Jennifer, Alison, Phillipa, Sue,
Deborah, Annabel, too (I forget your name)

I love you from the bottom of my pencil case
I love the way you never ask me why
I love to write about each wrinkle on your face
And I love you till my fountain pen runs dry

Deep so deep,
The number one I hope to reap
Depends upon the tears you weep,
So cry, lovey cry
Cry, cry, cry

Oh Cathy, oh Alison, oh Phillipa, oh Sue
You made me so much money,
I wrote this song for you (I wrote this song for you)
Jennifer, Alison, Phillipa, Sue,
Deborah, Annabel, too (I wrote this song for you)
Jennifer, Alison, Phillipa, Sue,
Deborah, Annabel, too (I wrote this song for you)

Oh Cathy, oh Alison, oh Phillipa, oh Sue
You made me so much money,
I wrote this song for you (I wrote this song for you)
Jennifer, Alison, Phillipa, Sue,
Deborah, Annabel, too (I wrote this song for you)
Jennifer, Alison, Phillipa, Sue,
Deborah, Annabel, too (I wrote this song for you)

For you, for you... I wrote this song for you

So let me talk about Mary, a sad story,
I turned her grief into glory
So let me talk about Mary, a sad story,
I turned her grief into glory
Late at night, by the typewriter light
She ripped his ribbon to shreds
Late at night, by the typewriter light
She ripped his ribbon to shreds

So let me talk about Mary, a sad story,
I turned her grief into glory
So let me talk about Mary, a sad story,
I turned her grief into glory
Late at night, by the typewriter light
She ripped his ribbon to shreds
Late at night, by the typewriter light
She ripped his ribbon to shreds

So let me talk about Mary, a sad, sad, sad story,
I turned her grief into glory
So let me talk about Mary, a sad story,
I turned her grief into glory
Late at night, by the typewriter light
She ripped his ribbon to shreds
Late at night, by the typewriter light
She ripped his ribbon to shreds

I wrote this song for you

 - Song For Whoever

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1989
Interprète : The Beautiful South

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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note : 4.00 (1) note(s)

Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Dans cette adaptation étrange et post-moderne du Magicien d'Oz, une reine a deux filles. Toutes deux partent en quête de la pierre d'émeraude qui plongera à jamais leur monde dans la lumière ou l'obscurité? De quelle série s'agit-il ?
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