le player de génériques

Variétés - Flashback (Imagination)    twitter 

We're startin'up now we're on our way
Leaving all our yesterdays behind
Something special that we wanna say
Happiness is just a state of mind

To the days when the nights were young
When we could do no wrong
We used to dance to the light of dawn
When our hearts were so strong


To the days when the nights were young
Flashback [Ah ah ah]
When we could do no wrong
We used to dance to the light of dawn
Flashback [Ah ah ah]
To when our hearts were so strong

Living in the shadow of our yesterday
Memories of children in the sun
Everybody's looking back but that don't pay
Can't you see you've only just begun

To the days when the nights were young
When we could do no wrong
Flashback [Ah ah ah]
We used to dance to the light of dawn
Flashback [Ah ah ah ah]
When our hearts were so strong

Flashback [Ah ah ah ah]
Flashback [Ah ah ah]
Flashback [Ah ah ah ah]
Flashback [Ah ah ah]

Flashback [Ah ah ah ah]
Flashback [Ah ah ah]
Flashback [Ah ah ah ah]
Flashback [Ah ah ah]

Flashback [Ah ah ah ah]
To the days when the nights were young
Flashback [Ah ah ah]
When we could do no wrong
Flashback [Ah ah ah ah]
We used to dance to the light of dawn
Flashback [Ah ah ah]
To when our hearts were so strong
Flashback [Ah ah ah]
To the days when the nights were young
Flashback [Ah ah ah]
When we could do no wrong
Flashback [Ah ah ah ah]
We used to dance to the light of dawn
Flashback [Ah ah ah]
To when our hearts were so strong

Flashback [Ah ah ah ah]
Flashback [Ah ah ah]
Flashback [Ah ah ah ah]
Flashback [Ah ah ah]

 - Flashback

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1981
Album : Body Talk
Origine : Angleterre
Interprète : Imagination

Fiche ajoutée par fulguropoings.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Il était une fois, un conte de fées "Suédois". Le jeune Daniel nous le raconte ici en Français. Sur cette musique, on a chanté autrefois : "J'aime, j'aime, j'aime la chanson que tu me chantais souvent..." C'est beau non? Dites la formule magique, et l'émission commencera...
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