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Variety - (Kool & The Gang)    twitter 

Oh yeah, oh what a night!

Oh yes it's ladies night and the feeling's right
Oh yes it's ladies night, oh what a night, oh what a night!
Oh yes it's ladies night and the feeling's right
Oh yes it's ladies night, oh what a night

Girls, y'all got one
A night that's special everywhere
From New York to Hollywood
It's ladies night and girl the feeling's good

Oh yes it's ladies night and the feeling's right
Oh yes it's ladies night, oh what a night, oh what a night!
Oh yes it's ladies night and the feeling's right
Oh yes it's ladies night, oh what a night

On disco lights your name will be seen
You can fulfill all your dreams
Party here, party there, everywhere
This is your night, baby, you've got to be there

Come on let's all celebrate
Oh it's ladies night and the feeling's right
Come on let's all celebrate
Lovely lady, lady, I love you

Girls, y'all got one, what?
A night that's special everywhere
You dance, you smile, the guys go wild
So chic so fine you all look so divine

Oh yes it's ladies night and the feeling's right
Oh yes it's ladies night, oh what a night, oh what a night!
Oh yes it's ladies night and the feeling's right
Oh yes it's ladies night, oh what a night

Romantic lady, single baby
Sophisticated mama
Come on you disco lady, yeah
Stay with me tonight, mama ,yeah

If you hear any noise
It ain't the boys, it's ladies night

Gonna step out ladies night
Steppin' out ladies night
Gonna step out ladies night
Steppin' out ladies night

Oh yes it's ladies night and the feeling's right
Oh yes it's ladies night, oh what a night, oh what a night!
Oh yes it's ladies night and the feeling's right
Oh yes it's ladies night, oh what a night

On disco lights, your name will be seen
You can fulfill all your dreams
Party here, party there, everywhere
This is your night, baby, you've got to be there

Come on let's all celebrate
Oh it's ladies night and the feeling's right
Come on let's all celebrate
Lovely lady, lady, I love you

Well this is your night, tonight
Everything's gonna be alright
This is your night, tonight
Everything's gonna be alright

This is your night, tonight
Everything's gonna be alright
This is your night, tonight
Everything's gonna be alright

This is your night, tonight
Everything's gonna be alright
This is your night, tonight
Everything's gonna be alright

 - Ladies' night

Variety - Infos
Date : 1980
Album : Ladies' night
Origin : États-Unis
Performer : Kool & The Gang

form added by fulguropoings.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Mon mode de vie actuel est bien rangé, mais mon ancien travail me rattrape souvent. J'ôte alors ma tunique pour aider mon ex-mari. Qui suis-je ?
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