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Variétés - The Living Daylights (A-Ha)    twitter 

Hey driver, where're we going
I swear my nerves are showing
Set your hopes up way too high
The living's in the way we die

Comes the morning and the headlights fade away
Hundred thousand people...I'm the one they blame
I've been waiting long for one of us to say
Save the darkness, let it never fade away
In the living daylights

All right, hold on tight now
It's down, down to the wire
Set your hopes up way too high
The living's in the way we die

Comes the morning and the headlights fade in rain
Hundred thousand changes...everything's the same
I've been waiting long for one of us to say
Save the darkness, let it never fade away
In the living daylights

Comes the morning and the headlights fade away
Hundred thousand people...I'm the one they frame
In the living daylights

 - The Living Daylights

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1987
Album : BOF
Film : James Bond 007 - Tuer n'est pas jouer
Origine : Royaume-Uni
Interprète : A-Ha
Compositeur : Pal Waaktaar-Savoy, John Barry

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Je suis le diplopode le plus célèbre du PAF et on a pu me voir sur FR3 jusqu'en 1985. Je suis...
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