le player de génériques

Variety - (Christopher Cross)    twitter 

It is the night
My body's weak
I'm on the run
No time to sleep
I've got to ride
Ride like the wind
To be free again

And I've got such a long way to go
To make it to the border of Mexico
So I'll ride like the wind
Ride like the wind

I was born the son of a lawless man
Always spoke my mind with a gun in my hand
Lived nine lives
Gunned down ten
Gonna ride like the wind

And I've got such a long way to go
To make it to the border of Mexico
So I'll ride like the wind
Ride like the wind

Accused and tried and told to hang
I was nowhere in sight when the church bells rang
Never was the kind to do as I was told
Gonna ride like the wind before I get old

It is the night
My body's weak
I'm on the run
No time to sleep
I've got to ride
Ride like the wind
To be free again

And I've got such a long way to go
To make it to the border of Mexico
So I'll ride like the wind
Ride like the wind

 - Ride like the wind

Variety - Infos
Date : 1979
Performer : Christopher Cross

form added by coucoucircus.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  A 13 ans, je suis contraint de choisir un métier. C'est le juge Sharingham qui décidera de faire de moi un mousse. Me voilà parti sur les côtes d'Afrique à la recherche de la Dame Blanche... Je suis ?
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