le player de génériques

Variety - (Eartha Kitt)    twitter 

I don't wanna be alone - where is my baby?
I don't wanna be alone - where is my man?
I spend hours by the phone - where is my baby?
I chew my fingers to the bone - where is my man?
I need a man who can take me then tount me and make me

Buy the things that I so richly deseerrve.
A man who knows what I require
the things that I desire
Is there anyone out there who has the neerrve?
I spend hours by the phone - where is my baby?
I chew my fingers to the bone - where is my man?

Where is my baby?
He can't be far.
Look for an Ascot
a big cigar
tell him to find me

Send his car to this address
I have to stress I need him now.

I don't wanna be alone - where is my baby?
I don't wanna be alone - where is my man?
The kind of man that I adore's the kind of man that gives me more

Of all the better things in life that aren't free.
Such things as summer by the sea
the Hamptons

The kind of man
Who comes alive
When he comes near Rodeo Drive
Is the kind of man
Who winds my heart
With style and class.

You know I've tried
Some other men
The kind with zeros
Less than ten
But everytime I grab
The ring it's always brass.

I don't wanna be alone
Where is my baby?
I don't wanna be alone
Where is my baby?

 - Where is my Man

Variety - Infos
Date : 1983
Performer : Eartha Kitt

form added by coucoucircus.
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  Nous sommes en 1910. Je suis un inventeur américain et je vis en Angleterre. Mon "associé" est journaliste et écrivain. Mes géniales inventions nous causent bien des soucis. Nous sommes poursuivis par la pègre, des traficants, et tout un tas de gens peu recommendables. Nous sommes ?
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