le player de génériques

Variety - (Matt Bianco)    twitter 


Now every evening, when all my day's work is through
I call my baby and ask her what we could do
I mention movies, she doesn't seem to dig that
And then she asks me why don't I come to her flat

And have some supper and let the evening pass by
By playing records, the sounds of groovy hi-fi
I say yeh yeh yeh
That's what I say, I say yeh yeh yeh

My baby loves me, she gets me feelin' so fine
And when she loves me, she lets me know that she's mine
And when she kisses, I feel the fire get hot
She never misses, she gives it all that she's got

And when she asks me if everything is okay
I give the answer, the only thing I could say
I say yeh yeh yeh
That's what I say, I say yeh yeh yeh

We'll play a melody
And turn the lights down low so no one can see
We gotta do that, we gotta do that
We gotta do that, we gotta do that

And there'd be no one else alive
In all the world except for you and me
Yeh yeh yeh yeh yeh
Yeh yeh yeh yeh yeh

And pretty baby, I never knew such a thrill
It's hard to tell you, because I'm trembling still
No need to ask me if everything is okay
I've got my answer, the only thing I can say
I say yeh yeh yeh
That's what I say, I say yeh yeh yeh

Ahh, open your mind
To electric guitar
Open your mind

We'll play a melody
And turn the lights down low so no one can see
We gotta do that, we gotta do that
We gotta do that, we gotta do that

And there'd be no one else alive
In all the world except for you and me
Yeh yeh yeh yeh yeh
Yeh yeh yeh yeh yeh

And pretty baby, I never knew such a thrill
It's hard to tell you, because I'm trembling still
But pretty baby, I want you all for my own
I think I'm ready to leave these others alone

No need to ask me if everything is okay
I've got my answer, the only thing I can say
I say yeh yeh yeh
That's what I say, I say yeh yeh yeh
That's what I say, I say yeh yeh yeh
That's what I say, I say yeh yeh yeh

 - Yeh Yeh!

Variety - Infos
Date : 1986
Performer : Matt Bianco

form added by coucoucircus.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Comme je suis serviable et gentil, je vais vous aider à me trouver. J'ai été offert à un petit garçon, par un papa fort et courageux. Pour me nourrir, rien de plus simple, une simple poignée de c.... fera l'affaire! Je suis ?
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