le player de génériques

Variety - (Pet Shop Boys)    twitter 

(All day, all day)

I don't know why, I don't know how
I thought I loved you, but I'm not sure now
I've seen you look at strangers too many times
A love-you-once is of a, a different kind

Remember when we felt the sun
A love like paradise, how hot it burned
A threat of distant thunder, the sky was red
And when you walked, you always - turned every head

(All day, all day) Watch them all fall down
(All day, all day) Domino dancing
(All day, all day) Watch them all fall down
(All day, all day, domino dancing)

I thought that when we fought I was to blame
But now I know you play a different game
I've watched you dance with danger, still wanting more
Add another number to the score

(All day, all day) Watch them all fall down
(All day, all day) Domino dancing
(All day, all day) Watch them all fall down
(All day, all day, domino dancing)

When you look around you wonder
Do you play to win?
Or are you just a bad loser?

(All day, all day)
(All day, all day)

I don't know why, I don't know how
I thought I loved you but I'm not sure now
I hear the thunder crashing, the sky is dark
And now a storm is breaking within my heart

(All day, all day) Watch them all fall down
(All day, all day) Domino dancing
(All day, all day) Watch them all fall down
(All day, all day, domino dancing)

(All day, all day) Watch them all fall down
(All day, all day) Domino dancing
(All day, all day) Watch them all fall down
(All day, all day, domino dancing)

(All day, all day) Watch them all fall down
(All day, all day) Domino dancing
(All day, all day) Watch them all fall down
(All day, all day)

 - Domino Dancing

Variety - Infos
Date : 1988
Performer : Pet Shop Boys

form added by coucoucircus.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Je me suis beaucoup vanté, mais ma carrière est derrière moi. Pour la relancer, j'ai voulu entraîner votre dinosaure préféré dans le monde du Music-Hall ! Et il est tellement naïf que j'ai failli réussir ! Je suis ...
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