le player de génériques

Variétés - Girlfriend In A Coma (The Smith)    twitter 

Girlfriend in a coma, I know
I know - it's serious
Girlfriend in a coma, I know
I know - it's really serious

There were times when I could
Have "murdered" her
(but you know, I would hate
Anything to happen to her)

No, I don't want to see her

Do you really think
She'll pull through?
Do you really think
She'll pull through?

Girlfriend in a coma, I know
I know - it's serious
My, my, my, my, my, my baby, goodbye

There were times when I could
Have "strangled" her
(but you know, I would hate
Anything to happen to her)
Would you please
Let me see her !

Do you really think
She'll pull through ?
Do you really think
She'll pull through ?
Let me whisper my last goodbyes

I know - it's serious

 - Girlfriend In A Coma

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1987
Interprète : The Smith

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Chut ! Mais que se passe t-il dans la salle de jeu quand les enfants ferment la porte ? Chut !
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