le player de génériques

Variétés - Xanadu (Olivia Newton-John & ELO)    twitter 

A place where nobody dared to go
The love that we came to know
They call it Xanadu

And now, open your eyes and see
What we have made is real
We are in Xanadu

A million lights are dancing
And there you are, a shooting star
An everlasting world and you're here with me

Xanadu - Xanadu (now we are here)
In Xanadu
Xanadu - Xanadu (now we are here)
In Xanadu

Xanadu your neon lights will shine
For you Xanadu

The love, the echoes of long ago
You needed the world to know, they are in Xanadu

The dream that came through a million years
That lived on through all the tears
It came to Xanadu

A million lights are dancing and there you are
A shooting star, an everlasting world and you're
Here with me eternally

Xanadu - Xanadu (now we are here)
In Xanadu

Now that I'm here, now that you're near in Xanadu

 - Xanadu

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1980
Interprète : Olivia Newton-John & ELO

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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