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Variétés - Here Comes Your Man (Pixies)    twitter 

Outside there's a box car waiting
Outside the family stew
Out by the fire breathing
Outside we wait 'til face turns blue

I know the nervous walking
I know the dirty beard hangs
Out by the box car waiting
Take me away to nowhere plains

There is a wait so long (so long, so long)
You'll never wait so long

Here comes your man [4x]

Big shake on the box car moving
Big shake to the land that's falling down
Is a wind makes a palm stop blowing
A big, big stone fall and break my crown

There is a wait so long (so long, so long)
You'll never wait so long

Here comes your man [4x]

There is a wait so long (so long, so long)
You'll never wait so long

Here comes your man [13x]

 - Here Comes Your Man

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1989
Interprète : Pixies

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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  Les bulles ça vous éclate ? Et bien nous, on joue plutôt à les faire éclater ! Un vrai casse tête parfois ! De quoi parle t-on ? Et bien, de ...
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