le player de génériques

Variety - (Baby's gang)    twitter 


There's a place - special place
People used to go in space

Challenger we go so far
Up in space camp to the stars

Take a walk into the sky
Other planets you can find

You can turn around inside

Challenger is moving

Challenger is moving
Up in space... to the sun

Challenger is lost off
Up and down at europe

Challenger - lost off
You can... no space tonight

There's a very special place
People used to go in space
Challenger, challenger
Challenger we go so far

Well, if you... there
Take me with you out there

That's the thing I like to do
Any space I walk with you

Lift me to the milky way
Just one time please today

Take me to the brightest stars
Oh I wanna go far

Challenger is moving
Round the... is...

Challenger is moving
Up in space camp to the sun

Challenger is lost off
Up and down at europe

Challenger is lost off
Lo-lo-lost off, lo-lo-lost off...
You can... no space tonight

Lift me to the milky way
Just one time... (chorus) today

Do it do it

(From the beginning till)
You can... no space tonight
RGL desde la isla de la fantasia

 - Challenger

Variety - Infos
Date : 1984
Performer : Baby's gang

form added by fulguropoings.
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