le player de génériques

Variety - (Robbie Williams)    twitter 

I was her she was me
We were one we were free
And if there's somebody calling me on
She's the one
If there's somebody calling me on
She's the one

We were young we were wrong
We were fine all along
If there's somebody calling me on
She's the one
When you get to where you wanna go
And you know the things you wanna know
You're smiling
When you said what you wanna say
And you know the way you wanna play
You'll be so high you'll be flying

Though the sea will be strong
I know we'll carry on
Cos if there's somebody calling me on
She's the one
If there's somebody calling me on
She's the one

When you get to where you wanna go
And you know the things you wanna know
You're smiling

When you said what you wanna say
And you know the way you wanna say it
You'll be so high you'll be flying

I was her she was me
We were one we were free
If there's somebody calling me on
She's the one
If there's somebody calling me on
She's the one

If there's somebody calling me on
She's the one
Yeah she's the one

If there's somebody calling me on
She's the one
She's the one

If there's somebody calling me on
She's the one

 - She's the one

Variety - Infos
Date : 1998
Album : I've been expecting you
Performer : Robbie Williams

form added by fulguropoings.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

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  Ancien boxeur, j'ai tout arrêté pour suivre le flambeau de mon frère jumeau, et je me suis mis au base-ball. Qui suis-je ?
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