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Variétés - When the going gets tough, the tough get going (Billy Ocean)    twitter 

When the going gets tough
The tough get going, tough, tough, huh, huh, huh
When the going gets tough, the tough get ready

Yeah, ooooh, du da do da

I got something to tell you
I got something to say
I'm gonna put this dream in motion
Never let nothing stand in my way
When the going gets touch
The tough get going

I'm gonna get myself 'cross the river
That's the price I'm willing to pay
I'm gonna make you stand and deliver
And give me love in the old-fashion way


Darlin', I'll climb any mountain
Darlin', I'll do anything

Ooh, can I touch you (can I touch you)
And do the things that lovers do
Ooh, wanna hold you (wanna hold you)
I gotta get it through to you, oooh

When the going gets tough
The tough get going
When the going gets rough
The tough get rough
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
Ooooh baby

I'm gonna buy me a one-way ticket
Nothin's gonna hold me back
Your love's like a slow train coming (slow train coming)
And I feel it coming down the track (woh)

Darlin', I'll climb any mountain
Darlin', I'll do anything
Ooh (ooh) can I touch you (can I touch you)
And do the things that lovers do
Ooh, (ooh) wanna hold you (wanna hold you)
I gotta get it through to you (ooh)
'Cause when the going gets tough
The tough get going
When the going gets rough
The tough get rough

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Wooh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Darlin', I'll climb any mountain
Darlin', I'll swim any sea
Darlin', I'll reach for the heaven
Darlin', with you lovin' me
Oooh (oooh)

Oooh, can I touch you (can I touch you)
And do the things that lovers do (can I touch you)
Oooh, wanna hold you (wanna hold you)
I gotta get it through to you

When the going gets tough
Going gets tough
Going gets rough
Going gets rough...

 - When the going gets tough, the tough get going

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1985
Album : BOF
Film : Le diamant du Nil
Origine : Etats-Unis
Interprète : Billy Ocean
Compositeur : Wayne Anton Brathwaite, Barry James Eastmond, Mutt Lange et Billy Ocean

Fiche ajoutée par doludo.
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  Quand un futur "expert new-yorkais" rencontre une future "agent du FBI" sur l'île de Glory, c'est pour enquêter sur d'évènements étranges. Saurez vous donner le titre de cette série ?
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