le player de génériques

Variety - (Rita Coolidge)    twitter 

All I wanted was a sweet distraction for an hour or two.
Had no intention to do the things we've done.
Funny how it always goes with love, when you don't look, you find.
But then we're two of a kind, we move as one.

We're an all time high,
We'll change all that's gone before.
Doing so much more than falling in love.
On an all time high,
We'll take on the world and win
So hold on tight, let the flight begin.

I don't want to waste a waking moment; I don't want to sleep.
I'm in so strong and so deep, and so are you.
In my time I've said these words before, but now I realize
My heart was telling me lies, for you they're true.

We're an all time high,
We'll change all that's gone before.
Doing so much more than falling in love.
On an all time high,
We'll take on the world and wait.
So hold on tight, let the flight begin.

So hold on tight, let the flight begin.
We're an all time high.

 - All Time High

Variety - Infos
Date : 1983
Album : BOF
Movie : 007 James Bond - Octopussy
Origin : Royaume-Uni
Performer : Rita Coolidge
Music composer : John Barry,Tim Rice

form added by doludo.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
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