le player de génériques

Variety - (Shalamar)    twitter 

Dancin in the sheets
Dancin in the sheets

I caught you smilin', I know Ive seen you here before
How come youre hidin, hey, dont you wanna hit the floor
The place is crowded or maybe you dont like the beat
I got a two-track playin' in my head
So let me take you somewhere else instead

Dancin in the sheets
Dancin in the sheets

Grab your coat and wave goodbye to your friends
I wanna take you where the night never ends
I feel the need to sweep you off your feet
You and me, we should be dancin in the sheets
Dancin in the sheets

We got the rhythm, we got the music on our side
If we go with em, Ill bet well have a wonderful ride, oh
Your hands are cold, so maybe we could make some heat
Love is always born on a chance
So wrap around me and baby, lets dance

Dancin in the sheets
Dancin in the sheets

Grab your coat and wave goodbye to your friends
I wanna take you where the night never ends
I feel the need to sweep you off your feet
You and me, we should be dancin in the sheets
Dancin in the sheets

Grab your coat and wave goodbye to your friends
I wanna take you where the night never ends
I feel the need to sweep you off your feet
You and me, we should be dancin in the sheets
Dancin in the sheets

Dancin in the sheets
Dancin in the sheets
Dancin in the sheets

 - Dancing in the streets

Variety - Infos
Date : 1984
Album : BOF
Movie : Footloose
Origin : Etats-Unis
Performer : Shalamar

form added by doludo.
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  J'étais flic... j'ai démissionné après avoir tué accidentellement mon partenaire. Depuis, je suis animateur sur une radio nocturne. Je suis ?
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