le player de génériques

Variety - (Lost Frequencies)    twitter 

Decisions as I go, to anywhere I flow
Sometimes I believe, at times when I should know
I can fly high, I can go low
Today I got a million. Tomorrow, I don't know

Stop crying like you're home and think about the show
We're all playing the same game, I'm laying down alone
We're unknown and known, special and a clone
Hate will make you cautious, love will make you glow

Make me feel the warmth, make me feel the cold
It's written in our story, it's written on the walls
This is our call, we rise and we fall
Dancin' in the moonlight, don't we have it all?

Decisions as I go, to anywhere I flow
Sometimes I believe, at times when I should know
I can fly high, I can go low
Today I got a million. Tomorrow, I don't know

Make me feel the warmth, make me feel the cold
It's written in our story, it's written on the walls
This is our call, we rise and we fall
Dancin' in the moonlight, don't we have it all?

 - Reality

Variety - Infos
Date : 2016
Album : Reality
Origin : Belgique
Performer : Lost Frequencies
Music composer : Felix De Laet

form added by coucoucircus.
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note : 1.00 (1) note(s)

Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Dans cette série créée par Oliver Stone en 1993, James Belushi rêve d'un tatouage en forme de palmier et d'un rhinocéros. Mais de quelle série s'agit-il ?
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