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Variétés - Something Wild Ft. Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness (Lindsey Stirling)    twitter 

You had your maps drawn
You had other plans
To hang your hopes on
Every road they let you down felt so wrong
So you found another way

You've got a big heart
The way you see the world
It got you this far
You might have some bruises
And a few of scars
But you know you're gonna be okay

Even though you're scared
You're stronger than you know

If you're lost out where the lights are blinding
Caught in all, the stars are hiding
That's when something wild calls you home, home
If you face the fear that keeps you frozen
Chase the sky into the ocean
That's when something wild calls you home, home

Sometimes the past can
Make the ground beneath you feel like a quicksand
You don't have to worry
You reach for my hand
And I know you're gonna be okay
You're gonna be okay

Even though you're scared
You're stronger than you know

If you're lost out where the lights are blinding
Caught in all, the stars are hiding
That's when something wild calls you home, home
If you face the fear that keeps you frozen
Chase the sky into the ocean
That's when something wild calls you home, home

Calls you home
Calls you home
Calls you home
Calls you home

If you're lost out where the lights are blinding
Caught in all, the stars are hiding
That's when something wild calls you home...

If you're lost out where the lights are blinding
Caught in all, the stars are hiding
That's when something wild calls you home, home
If you face the fear that keeps you frozen
Chase the sky into the ocean
That's when something wild calls you home, home

 - Something Wild Ft. Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 2016
Album : Brave Enough
Film : Peter et Eliot
Origine : Etats-Unis
Interprète : Lindsey Stirling
Compositeur : Lindsey Stirling

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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