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Variety - (AC/DC)    twitter 

Out on the town, looking for a woman
Gonna give me good love
Anybody want to hand off me
And give me plenty of
She was standing alone over by the jukebox
Like she's something to sell
I said, baby what's the going price?
She told me to go to hell

Shot down in flames
Shot down in flames
Ain't it a shame
To be shot down in flames

Singles bar, got my eye on a honey
Hanging out everywhere
She might be straight
She might want my money
I really don't care, no

Said, baby, you're driving me crazy
Laid it out on the line
When a guy with a chip on his shoulder said
Toss off buddy she's mine

Shot down in flames
Shot down in flames
Ain't it a shame, yea yeah
To be shot down in flames

Hey you Angus, shoot me, shoot
That's nice, woo! Uh! Oh! Oh! Wooooh!

Shot down in flames
Shot down in flames
Ain't it a shame
To be shot down in flames


Shot down in flames
Shot down in flames
Ain't it a shame
To be shot down in flames

I don't want the pain
Don't want to be shot down in flames

 - Shot Down In Flames

Variety - Infos
Date : 1979
Performer : AC/DC
Music composer : Ronald Belford Scott, Angus Young, Malcolm Young

form added by doludo.
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