le player de génériques

Variety - (Mort Shuman)    twitter 

Sorrow - since you left me
Sorrow - in my heart
I just can't believe it's over
I never could have dreamed that we would part

Sorrow - in the morning
Sorrow - late at night
Like a ship without a sailor
That's how I am wihout your arms
To hold me tight

Do you remember those happy days
The happy days that we shared
I just had to look at you
And I knew that you cared
I thought I would spend those happy days

Loving you my whole life through
There was such happiness then
And now - there's only

Sorrow all around me
Sorrow through and through
If I live a hundred live times
I'll never realize that I am losing you

Do you remember those happy days
The happy days that we shared
I just had to look at you
And I knew that you cared
I thought I would spend those happy days
Loving you my whole life through
There was such happiness then
And now - there's only

 - Sorrow

Variety - Infos
Date : 1975
Movie : A nous les petites anglaises
Performer : Mort Shuman
Music composer : E.L. Moro, Mort Shuman

form added by doludo.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Déménager, changer de ville, de département, de région...C'est chose courante ! Mais dans quelle série voit on un village entier changer de Pays ?
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