le player de génériques

Variétés - Junior le terrible - Problem Child ()    twitter 

Interprété par "The Beach Boys"


Who wants to grow up ? Who wants responsibility ?
Who wants to show up at work until you're ninety-three ?
Oh, no, not me !
Now everybody says you're runnin' wild
Your teacher's callin' you a Problem Child !

Oh, yeeaah!

You're just a kid, now, but soon you'll be a King of Hearts !
Oh yeah!
That girl next door might turn into a work of art !
Some people sayin' "Put the boy on trial !"
He's guilty cuz he's just a juvenile !

Oh, yeeaah!

You make us crazy, you make us smile
Someday you'll grow up, boy And you'll change your style
First, you'll be married, with kids after a while
And one of them might wanna be a...
Problem Child, yeah!

(Pont Musical)

You make us crazy, you make us smile
Someday you'll grow up, boy
And you'll change your style.
First, you'll be married, with kids after a while
And one of them might wanna be a... (be a... be a...)
Oh, baby...

Who wants to grow up ? Who wants responsibility?
Who wants to show up at work until you're ninety-three ?
Oh, no, not me !
Now everybody says you're runnin' wild
Your teacher's callin' you a Problem Child!

Oh, yeeaah!
Nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah

 - Junior le terrible - Problem Child

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1990
Film : Junior le terrible
Origine : USA
Compositeur : Paul Terrence Melcher

Liens d'intérêt
Junior le terrible

Fiche ajoutée par Tigrette.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

Question subsidiaire... ;)
  On peut être une truie et avoir une certaine éducation, mais je suis au moins aussi bête que mon amie, qui elle , n'est pas une dinde, mais pas loin ! Qui sommes nous ?
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