le player de génériques

Variety - (Vaya con Dios)    twitter 

He said: "Baby, what's your name?
Are you new in this town ?
Since you walked in, things don't look the same
How about sticking around ?"
The place was dark and the band played loud
His voice sounded kind of dry
He said: "Who's that guy with the funny smile ?"
She said: "He's just a friend of mine"

Just a friend of mine
Just a friend of mine

They talked a little, drank a lot
As the evening went by
The place got crowded and the air too hot
He said: "Let's go out for a while"
The night was clear and the wind was soft
As they walked side by side
He said: "Who's that guy following us about ?"
She said: "He's just a friend of mine"

Just a friend of mine
Just a friend of mine
(Pont musical)
Just a friend of mine
Just a friend of mine

He was nice and gentle, still rough enough
To keep her satisfied
She said: "Hold it, baby, it gets too much
I feel like I'm gonna die"
He took her home in the early mornin'
She said: "Please do come inside"
He said: "Who's that guy in the dressing gown?"
She said: "He's just a friend of mine"

Just a friend of mine
Just a friend of mine

He said: "Who's that guy in the dressing gown?"
She said: "Baby, don't you mind
He's just a friend, he's just a friend
He's just a friend of mine"

 - Just a friend of mine

Variety - Infos
Date : 1987
Album : Vaya con Dios
Origin : Belgique
Performer : Vaya con Dios
Music composer : Danielle Marie Schoovaerts-/Willy Peter Paul Lambregt-Dirk Jean-Pierre Schoufs

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form added by Tigrette.
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