le player de génériques

Variety - ()    twitter 

Interprété par Jim Carrey

Hit it!
They call me Cuban Pete
I'm the king of the Rumba beat
When I play the maracas I go

Yes sir, I'm Cuban Pete
I'm the craze of my native street
When I start to dance everything goes

"The senioritas they sing
And they swing with "terampero"
It's very nice ! So full of spice ! "

And when they dance in they bring
A happy ring that "era keros"
Are singing a song
All the day long !

So if you like the beat
Take a lesson from Cuban Pete
And I'll teach you to

"He's a really modest guy
Although he's the hottest guy
In Havana, in Havana "

Si, senorita I know
That you would like a Chic-ky-boom-chick
It's very nice - so full of spice
I'll place my hand on your hip
And if you will just give me your hand
Then we shall try
Just you and I
"Iy-yi-yi !"

If you like the beat !
Take a lesson from cuban Pete
and I'll teach to

(Pont Musical)

"Shake your booty daddy ! Wow ! See ya'!"

 - The Mask - Cuban Pete

Variety - Infos
Date : 1994
Movie : The Mask
Origin : USA
Music composer : José Norman

Good links
Jim Carrey

form added by Tigrette.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Je suis née en 1937 et je suis apparue pour la première fois dans "Pulp Magazine". Mes parents ont été tués dans un safari et c'est une sorcière africaine qui m'a élévée. Aujourd'hui, je communique avec les animaux. Je suis ?
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