I... wonder if one day that
You'll say that, you care
If you say you love me madly
I'll gladly, be there
Like a puppet on a string
Love is just like a merry-go-round
With all the fun of the fair
One day I'm feeling down on the ground
Then I'm up in the air
Are you leading me on ?
Tomorrow will you be gone ?
I...wonder if one day that
You'll say that, you care
If you say you love me madly
I'll gladly, be there
Like a puppet on a string
I may win on the roundabout
Then I'll lose on the swings
In or out, there is never a doubt
Just who's pulling the strings
I'm all tied up to you
But where's it leading me to ?
I...wonder if one day that
You'll say that, you care
If you say you love me madly
I'll gladly, be there
Like a puppet on a string
I...wonder if one day that
You'll say that, you care
If you say you love me madly
I'll gladly, be there
Like a puppet on a string
Like a puppet on a...string !
Variety - Infos |
Date : 1967 | Origin : United Kingdom | Performer : Sandie Shaw | Music composer : Pierre Delanoë/Bill Martin-Phil Coulter | |
form added by Tigrette.