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Variétés - Dirty old town (The Pogues)    twitter 

I met my love by the gas works wall
Dreamed a dream by the old canal
I kissed my girl by the factory wall
Dirty old town
Dirty old town

Clouds are drifting across the moon
Cats are prowling on their beat
Spring's a girl from the streets at night
Dirty old town
Dirty old town

(irish bridge)

I heard a siren from the docks
Saw a train set the night on fire
I smelled the spring on the smoky wind
Dirty old town
Dirty old town

I'm gonna make me a good sharp axe
Shining steel tempered in the fire
I'll chop you down like an old dead tree
Dirty old town
Dirty old town

I met my love by the gas works wall
Dreamed a dream by the old canal
I kissed my girl by the factory wall
Dirty old town
Dirty old town

Dirty old town
Dirty old town

 - Dirty old town

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1985
Album : Rum, Sodomy, and the Lash
Origine : Irlande
Interprète : The Pogues
Compositeur : Ewan MacColl/John Loesberg

Liens d'intérêt
Dirty Old Town

Fiche ajoutée par Tigrette.
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