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Variety - (Rosemary Clooney)    twitter 

Here comes Suzy Snowflake
Dressed in a snow-white gown
Tap, tap, tappin' at your windowpane
To tell you she's in town

Here comes Suzy Snowflake
Soon you will hear her say
Come out ev'ryone and play with me
I haven't long to stay

If you want to make a snowman
I'll help you make one, one, two, three
If you want to take a sleigh ride (Whee!)
The ride's on me

Here comes Suzy Snowflake
Look at her tumblin' down
Bringing joy to ev'ry girl and boy
Suzy's come to town

Pont musical

Here comes Suzy Snowflake
Dressed in a snow-white gown
Tap, tap, tappin' at your windowpane
To tell you she's in town
Here comes Suzy Snowflake
Soon you will hear her say
Come out ev'ryone and play with me
I haven't long to stay

If you want to make a snowman
I'll help you make one, one, two, three
If you want to take a sleigh ride(Whee!)
The ride's on me
Here comes Suzy Snowflake
Look at her tumblin' down
Bringing joy to ev'ry girl and boy
Suzy's come to town !

 - Suzy Snowflake

Variety - Infos
Date : 1978 (Version originale 1951)
Album : Have yourself a merry little christmas
Origin : Etats-Unis
Performer : Rosemary Clooney
Music composer : Roy Brodsky/Sid Tepper

Good links
Rosemary Clooney

form added by Tigrette.
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