le player de génériques

Variety - (Ashley Tisdale, Lucas Grabeel)    twitter 

It's out with the old and in with the new
Goodbye clouds of gray, hello skies of blue
A dip in the pool, a trip to the spa
Endless days in my chaise
The whole world according to moi

Excuse me? Thank you

Iced tea imported from England
Lifeguards imported from Spain
Towels imported from Turkey
And turkey imported from Maine
We're gonna relax and renew
You go do

I want fabulous, that is my simple request
All things fabulous, bigger and better and best
I need something inspiring to help me get along
I need a little fabulous, is that so wrong?

Fetch me my Jimmy Choo flip-flops
Where is my pink Prada tote?
I need my Tiffany hairband
And then I can go for a float
Summer like never before
I want more

She wants fabulous, that is her simple request
All things fabulous, bigger and better and best
She needs something inspiring to help her get along
She needs a little fabulous, is that so wrong?

Fabulous pool, fabulous splash
Fabulous parties even fabulous trash
Fabulous fashion, fabulous bling
She's got to have fabulous everything

Nothing to discuss
Everything's got to be perfect
For Me !

She wants fabulous, that is her simple request (No, not fabulous)
All things fabulous, bigger and better and best (I need fabulous)
She needs something inspiring to help her get along (No, not fabulous)
She needs a little fabulous, is that so wrong? (I need fabulous)

This won't do
That's a bore
That's insulting
I need more
I need, I need
I need, I need
I need, I need
I need fabulous
I want fabulous, bring me fabulous
Fabulous hair, fabulous style
Fabulous eyes and that fabulous smile

Oh, I like what I see
I like it a lot
Is this absolutely fabulous?
Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous

Not !

 - Fabulous

Variety - Infos
Date : 2007
Album : High School Musical 2
Movie : High School Musical 2
Origin : Etats-Unis
Performer : Ashley Tisdale, Lucas Grabeel
Music composer : Faye L Greenberg / David N Lawrence

form added by doludo.
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