le player de génériques

Variety - (Imagination)    twitter 

Searching for a destiny that's mine
There's another place another time.
Touching many hearts along the way yeah
Hoping that I'll never have to say

It's just an illusion, illusion, illusion.

Follow your emotions anywhere
Is it really magic in the air?
Never let your feelings get you down.
Open up your eyes and look around

It's just an illusion, illusion, illusion.

Could it be that it's just an illusion
Putting me back in all this confusion?
Could it be that it's just an illusion now?
Could it be that it's just an illusion
Putting me back in all this confusion?
Could it be that it's just an illusion now?

Could it be a picture in my mind?
Never sure exactly what I'll find.
Only in my dreams I turn you on.
Here for just a moment then you're gone.

It's just an illusion, illusion, illusion.
Could it be that it's just an illusion
Putting me back in all this confusion ?
Could it be that it's just an illusion now ?
Could it be that it's just an illusion
Putting me back in all this confusion ?
Could it be that it's just an illusion now ?

 - Just an illusion

Variety - Infos
Date : 1982
Album : In the Heat of the Night
Origin : Angleterre
Performer : Imagination
Music composer : Steve Jolley, Tony Swain, Ashley Ingram, Leee John

form added by coucoucircus.
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  Cette série retrace les aventures d'un héros du Nouveau Monde et notamment ses prises de bec face aux "Tuniques Rouges" pour son pays et la Liberté. Quelle est-elle ?
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