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Variétés - We're all in this together (Graduation mix) (High School Musical Cast)    twitter 

Together, together, together everyone
Together, together, come on, let's have some fun

Here and now, it's time for celebration
We finally figured out (yeah yeah)
That all our dreams have no limitations
That's what it's all about

Everyone is special in their own way
We make each other strong (we make each other strong)
We're not the same, we're different in a good way
Together's where we belong

We're all in this together
Once we know, that we are
We're all stars
And we see that
We're all in this together
And it shows, when we stand
Hand in hand
Make our dreams come true
(Make our dreams come true)

Together, together, together everyone
Together, together, come on, let's have some fun
Together, we're there for each other every time
Together, together, come on, let's do this right

We're all here
And speaking out with one voice
We're going to rock the house (Yeah)
The party's on, now everybody make some noise
Come on, scream and shout
We've arrived because we stuck together
Champions one and all

We're all in this together
Once we know, that we are
We're all stars
And we see that
We're all in this together
And it shows, when we stand
Hand in hand
Make our dreams come true
All in this together

We're all in this together
Once we know, that we are
We're all stars
And we see that
We're all in this together
And it shows, when we stand
Hand in hand
Make our dreams come true

We're all in this together
When we reach, we can fly
Know inside
We can make it
We're all in this together
Once we see, there's a chance
That we have
And we take it

We're all in this together
Oh oh oh
We're all in this together

 - We're all in this together (Graduation mix)

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 2008
Album : High School Musical 3
Film : High School Musical 3
Origine : Etats-Unis
Interprète : High School Musical Cast

Fiche ajoutée par doludo.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

Question subsidiaire... ;)
  En 1564 Nostradamus a prédit la destruction de la terre en trois vagues. La première a commencé mais moi Cade Foster je me dresse devant l'envahisseur et tente de les repousser. Quelle est cette série ?
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