le player de génériques

Variety - (INXS)    twitter 

Here come the woman
With the look in her eye
Raised on leather
With flesh on her mind

Words as weapons
Sharper than knives
Makes you wonder how the other half die
How the other half die
Make you wonder

Here come the man with the look in his eye
Fed on nothing but full of pride
Look at them go, look at them kick
Makes you wonder how the other half live

The devil inside
The devil inside
Every single one of us
The devil inside

Here come the world
With the look in its eye
Future uncertain but certainly slight
Look at the faces listen to the bells
It's hard to believe we need a place called hell
A place called hell

The devil inside
The devil inside
Every single one of us
The devil inside

Here comes the woman
With the look in her eye
She's raised on leather
With flesh on her mind
Words are weapons sharper than knives
Makes you wonder how the other half die

The devil inside
The devil inside
Every single one of us
The devil inside

 - Devil inside

Variety - Infos
Date : 1987
Album : Kick
Origin : Australie
Performer : INXS
Music composer : Andrew Charles Fariss/Michael Kell Hutchence

form added by coucoucircus.
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  J'étais flic... j'ai démissionné après avoir tué accidentellement mon partenaire. Depuis, je suis animateur sur une radio nocturne. Je suis ?
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