le player de génériques

Variety - (Michelle Pfeiffer)    twitter 

If you really want to know
What I want in a guy
Well, I'm looking for a dream on a mean machine
With hell in his eyes
I want a devil in skin tight leather
He's gonna be wild as the wind
And one fine night I'll be holdin' on tight

To a cool rider, A cool rider
If his cool enough he can burn me through and through whoa, whoa
If it takes forever, then I'll wait forever
No ordinary boy, no ordinary boy is gonna do
I want a rider that's cool

That's the way it's gonna be
That's the way that I feel
I want a whole lot more then the boy next door
I want hell on wheels
Just give me a black motorcycle
With a man growin' out of the seat
Then move aside, cause I'm gonna ride

With a cool rider, a cool rider
If he's cool enough he can burn me though and though whoa, whoa
If it takes forever then I'll wait forever
No ordinary boy, no ordinary boy is gonna do
I want a rider that's cool

I don't want no ordinary guy, comin on strong with me
They don't know what I'm lookin' for
They don't know what I need.
You're gonna know it when he gets here, Cause the ground
will be shakin'
I'll do anything to let him know that I'm his, his for the
I want a cool rider, A cool, cool, cool, cool rider
I want a cool rider, A cool, cool, cool, cool rider
I want a C - O - O -L R - I - D - E - R
I want a C - O - O -L R - I - D - E - R
I want a cool rider, A cool, cool, cool, cool rider
I want a C - O - O -L R - I - D - E - R

 - Cool Rider

Variety - Infos
Date : 1982
Movie : Grease 2
Origin : Etats-Unis
Performer : Michelle Pfeiffer
Music composer : Wade Genners

form added by Blondie.
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